What a Weekend!!

This was a conversation Gavin and I had towards the end of the weekend as I was entering the back door of his parents' house. 

Gavin: "Look who's here." (I'm looking around for a person.) "It's Timber." (This is our Alaskan Malamute) 
Me: "Oh, so you went to get him?" 
"You didn't go to get him?"
"Unh-uh."  (I'm still not processing here.)
"So how did he get here?" 
"That's a great question. He found his own way here." 

AHHH!! Come to find out, no, the dog didn't break through any windows or walls at our house. But somehow, he had found his way from our house to theirs. This is quite a feat considering they live almost 20 blocks away through the middle of town. Of course, he didn't go straight there as evidenced by his wet coat. He was in great spirits, had no cuts or marks on him, and no one had decided to take him home as their own. (We've actually had people tell us on the street (jokingly, I hope) that we shouldn't turn our backs or they might steal him.

After thinking about it for awhile, I vaguely remember calling him out the door to get in the car. After all, we were going to his parents and we always take Timber with us to his parents' house. (He likes to play with their Bassett Hound. Yes, an odd combination, I realize.) We were not there since we had gone to get family pictures taken in Wichita. 

This was just the icing on the cake of a hectic weekend that left even our 3 month old exhausted. (I took him home and he (and I) slept through his last feeding before bedtime. I woke him up just to eat but it didn't take much convincing on my part to convince him that he was hungry.) God has certainly let me know that He is in control and continues to cover my butt. 

Here's a quick run-down of the weekend:

1) Found a crack in the rim of my driver's side back tire. Neighbor helped fix it in the middle of the street. We found out that the entire middle of the rim was broken out and the only thing holding my tire on was Jesus and the lug nuts caught on the half-moon of what was left of the metal.

2) Saturday, had a family reunion in a town 45 minutes away. My FIL isn't doing well, health-wise so we had family come in from Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and all over Kansas. Of course, we had all kinds of pictures taken. 

3) Because my FIL isn't doing well, we decided to get a family portrait done. Well, the baby was around in time but sometimes getting 6 other people out the door is difficult. The nine of loaded into vehicles to drive to Wichita but were late for our appointment. This meant that we couldn't get another appointment until 1 1/2 hours later. Yeah, were really excited to get our picture taken then! 

I was kidnapped by my SIL and wasn't able to get home until 3 hours after my husband had taken the baby and his ailing father. When we did get home, our dog was found (albeit safe) on the porch of the in-laws. 

Jesus loves me, this I know...... What A WEEKEND!!!


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