He's how old!

How weird it is to say out loud (or even type) that I have a 3 month old at home! Here are some highlights of what he's been doing.

* I must admit that he's a lot more fun than he was 6 weeks ago. This is for two reasons. Number one, I put him on a feeding schedule. That has made him much more predictable and agreeable. The other reason is that I've cut milk out of my diet. It didn't really agree with his stomach and though he still has his days of gassiness, it has greatly improved.

*He is the biggest flirt! I'm not sure why, but he has a tendency to give smiles and "talk" to just about anybody. (Especially old ladies!)

*Mommy and Daddy are the funniest people in the whole world. Even in the midst of a melt-down, he will stop to grin at us. How weird is that?

* We are learning some parts of our body. I'll ask, "Where is Riley's nose?"  He laughs as I gently tweak on his nose. We repeat this childish process as I tickle his cheeks, chin and neck. "And my favorite....the baby belly!"

*Speaking of body parts, he often tries to fit his entire fist into his mouth (lately while talking at the same time) but to no avail. This doesn't seem to deter him from trying, however.

* He seems to have a lot to say. I've tried catching this on video but he has an incurable case of stage fright. Every time I bring out the camera, he will soberly stare at it but as soon as I hide it, he will laugh and squeal once more. (Onery booger!)

*Tummy time is much better than before. (I think this also has something to do with taking milk out of my diet) We are anxiously awaiting his rolling self. Dad put him on his side and when he rolled to one side, looked extremely surprised by his own sudden movement. Quite a laughable experience! 

*This week we started our transition to sleeping in a crib. He only sleeps for the first half of the night in there but it's progress in the right direction. We keep his CoZee sleeper in the crib and move it back and forth. Eventually, we'll have to stop this since he quickly outgrowing his sleeper. I will say though that it's nice to have more room in our Queen-sized bed even if it is only for a few hours a night.


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