A Father Remembered
Today I drove my husband's car to work since he was staying home with the boy. I found a note that my FIL had written to my husband some time ago when the two of them carpooled to work. It was something insignificant like "I left early. I don't need a ride." I don't remember exactly but I remember the sad feeling that came over me as I read the words, "Have a great day!" in his neat script that seemed so unusual for a man.
Below is a video of photos that was played at the service. When I first created it, I had such a feeling of pride for the quality job I had done in capturing the highlights of this man's life. However, as I watched it during the service, that feeling was replaced with feelings of humility and sadness. I began to mourn for my son who would never know his grandfather. I cried as I saw the pride in his face as he held that boy in the hospital, eyelids still swollen from birth.
I sat there in the service haunted by the echoing words of my MIL saying, "I wish I would have taken more pictures of him." Because of this, when Grandma asked to take my picture with my husband and son, I agreed to it even though I've never liked getting my picture taken. I agreed and smiled with gusto.
Memorial Video
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