22 Life Lessons for 2022
They say life is the greatest teacher, so I'd thought I'd share some wisdom of my own. I could probably fill several books with everything I've learned the hard way but here are 22 life lessons for you to take into the new year:
- You can’t change others. Only God can do that.
- Sometimes our kids’ greatest accomplishments come when we let them out of OUR comfort zone.
- Silence is better than unnecessary drama.
- Progress is progress. It doesn’t matter how quickly it comes. Slow progress is better than no progress.
- The hardest part of a workout is showing up.
- You’ll always be the villain in somebody’s story. Just make sure to live your life in such a way that when they tell their story, no one will believe it.
- The only people that have a problem with you setting boundaries, are the people who took advantage of you not having any boundaries in the first place.
- Fitness starts in the gym (with exercise). Health starts in the kitchen. You can’t outrun your fork!
- Strive for progress, not perfection.
- Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced. Hiding from your problems doesn’t make them go away.
- Life changes so quickly. It’s amazing how someone who was once a stranger can quickly mean the world to you and people who mean so much can quickly become strangers.
- Chasing happiness through people will lead you to misery. Chasing God is the only way to find happiness and then the right people will come along.
- Progress takes place outside the comfort zone.
- If you don’t move forward, you will always be in the same place.
- If you get tired, take time to rest. Don’t give up.
- Never say “That won’t happen to me.” Life has a way of proving us wrong.
- Your intuition is a true gift that God has given to us. Even if it doesn’t make sense, DON’T ignore it.
- Forgive those who have wronged you not because they deserve it but because you deserve peace.
- Take care of your health early. You won’t be 17 forever.
- I used to wish I could forget my mistakes and keep the lessons. Now I know the mistakes are reminders of not only what God has done for me but also what He has the power to carry me through in the future.
- Being alone isn’t a bad thing. It’s a time to think, process, reflect. It’s quiet among the chaos. The worst thing is when you’re surrounded by others and you’re made to feel invisible.
- Always
choose kindness. It’s not only good for your health, it also confuses people and that makes it fun too
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