20 months old
Here are some of your new tricks:
* You have a new tooth!! I was beginning to think you'de only have 6 teeth forever. I noticed it had come through on Labor Day when we were swinging on your swing in the back yard.
* You have figured out how to peel off your diaper. The first time you did it was a Saturday morning. You climbed up on my lap as I quickly realized your bum wasn't as lumpy as usual. Silly boy! You have to wear a diaper! Later the next week, Grandma B texted me you had done it again. The only difference was you ran across the room and peed on her floor!
So you've been wearing shorts lately. Gone are the days of those adorable little thighs sticking out from just a diaper. I suppose I'll just have to get over it. Or maybe I'll just have to find something else about you to adore.
* "Uh-oh" is your new favorite word. You aren't talking as quickly as the doctor might like but you sure jabber a lot. We're not worried though. We've been waiting on you your whole life! You CAN ask for "more" in baby sign and are getting pretty good at "up." Sometimes it's just the "p" sound but it's better than screaming. You're also good at saying "Mom" when you're mad or upset and "Dad" when you're happy. (Although Grandma B swears you saId "I got thIs" the other day.)
* You call out letters and clap for contestants on Wheel of Fortune. Mostly you stick to "e," "m," and "ah." (Not really sure that last one is a real letter, bud.)
Your motor skills are CAH-RAZY!! You can golf and hit a ball off of a tee. You steal Daddy's keys and try to unlock the front door. The most impressive thing I'd say is that you like to sit down and stack blocks. The most I've seen you stack so far is 4. Wow!
Well, besides the weird tendency you have to spin wildly in circles, you are doing well. Besides that, your spinning is probably normal too. Love you, big boy!!
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