Count Your Blessings
This morning, as I was dragging myself out of bed, I discovered my back was a little stiff. Just as I was about to groan and complain about it, I remembered a conversation I had with a student the day before. It went a little like this:
Boy ("John"): Ahh! My back is killing me.
Me: "John," you're not old enough to be having back problems.
Boy: No, it hurts because I slept on the floor last night.
Me: Well, that wasn't very smart.
Boy: Well, I didn't really have a choice. I don't have a bed.
The conversation continued a little but it helped to put some things into perspective. I have found myself looking more closely at my blessings. I still need to work on this but here are some of the many, many blessings God has given me.
* My loving husband, who continues to go to a job he tolerates in order to pay the bills.
* My adorable and smiley little boy
*My job. Some days I may not like it but in a time where many are jobless, I am thankful.
* A home to retreat to when the day is done.
*The ability to read.
* My Jesus. What grace He has bestowed.
*Indoor plumbing. I'm really thankful for this in both the extreme heat and cold that comes with living in Kansas!
*A bed!
Boy ("John"): Ahh! My back is killing me.
Me: "John," you're not old enough to be having back problems.
Boy: No, it hurts because I slept on the floor last night.
Me: Well, that wasn't very smart.
Boy: Well, I didn't really have a choice. I don't have a bed.
The conversation continued a little but it helped to put some things into perspective. I have found myself looking more closely at my blessings. I still need to work on this but here are some of the many, many blessings God has given me.
* My loving husband, who continues to go to a job he tolerates in order to pay the bills.
* My adorable and smiley little boy
*My job. Some days I may not like it but in a time where many are jobless, I am thankful.
* A home to retreat to when the day is done.
*The ability to read.
* My Jesus. What grace He has bestowed.
*Indoor plumbing. I'm really thankful for this in both the extreme heat and cold that comes with living in Kansas!
*A bed!
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