9 months and counting.....
Here are some pics and fun tricks the boy has begun:
* You're sitting quite nicely but I still haven't gotten past the fear of you suddenly throwing yourself backwards and smacking your head (which you've been know to do).

* Instead of just rolling to get where you want to go, you've now figured out how to scoot. I guess most would call this an army crawl but you look like you're a hoppy toad since you hold your arms forward and push off with your legs to sort of roll over your arms. I'm still trying to catch you doing this on video, but I think you were built with an extra sensory to know when I'm trying to catch you on film. Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa will just have to be patient with me until I can film it to email them.
* You are still a big ole' flirt, especially with all of the older ladies. I'm not sure what it is, but you're able to smell a grandmother from at least 10 paces.
* Nursery is becoming a regular thing. I'm not sure whether to put this under your accomplishments or mine. You're usually ready for a nap towards the end though so I've found you in tears when I've come to collect you. This seems to be hit and miss however, but I do like to see the socialization you're getting.
* You are quite the singer/talker. During family worship time in church, if you're not falling asleep, you're bouncing around singing with gusto (you definitely get that from me)! It really is a praise and worship time for Daddy and Me to see how much you love Jesus.
You are SO loved my baby boy. There is so much you've learned already but there is so much more for you to learn. Do you suppose I should begin to start planning your very first birthday party?!
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