If You're Happy and You Know It

4 month old stats - a little late:

Mr. Riley,

You are making such strides and it seems to be all at the same time. May 3, you turned 4 months old and we went in to the doctor for your check-up. I made Daddy come with us because I told him I didn't want to go through another round of shots by myself again. It was a crazy morning but we got there, albeit late, but we got there. 

Here are the highlights of the trip:

*While waiting in the waiting room, you filled your diaper (and I do mean filled). When we FINALLY got in the exam room, we discovered you had a blow-out. I only mention this as a highlight because you hadn't pooed in like a week. Your body is changing and your schedule still seems to be a bit off since Grandpa died.
*You weighed in at 14 lbs 7 ozs which was in the 50th percentile for your age.
*Your length was in the 85th percentile at 26 inches. Whoo-Hoo!
*The nurse said your head circumfrance was 16.25 inches. This landed you in the 25th percentile. Daddy and I decided that your cousins must get their big heads from Uncle Troy because by the look of your daddy's head, you should have one too!
*You got two more shots and you were SO brave. You cried a little and burrowed your head into Daddy's shoulder. Then you got to spend the rest of the day with me while Daddy went back to work.

Other things that are exciting to note:

*The day before Easter, the whole family went to Uncle Jerrod and Aunt Rashelle's house to play with the cousins. You wanted to show off so you figured out how to roll over from your belly to your back. You did it all day long to the many claps and cheers of aunts, uncles, cousins, mommy, daddy, grandma and grandpa. Grandpa tried to stick you in his Easter basket but Mommy quickly nixed that idea!

*You've discovered you have feet. Sometimes you just like to hold them and sometimes you seem to be talking to them. I don't speak babble so I can't translate. Sometimes you get ahold of both of them and pull them towards your head. This seems to help you pass some of that stubborn gas and you always look at me in delight like you figured out something wonderful!

*You are getting quite good at grabbing things to put them into your mouth. This is quite an accomplishment considering you used to only be able to grab things to take them out of your mouth. That would tick you off so this is a good thing. I put you in your vibrating rocker-seat (which you've discovered you can make rock yourself by kicking your feet) and you like to look at the bobbles hanging down.

Before, your arms haven't been long enough to grab the middle handle to play the music ("If You're Happy and You Know It") so Mommy attached your frog rattle to it. What joy you showed on your face when you discovered you could make noise by pulling on the frog.

This morning, Daddy was running behind trying to get ready for work so I put you in your rocker-seat to get your bottles ready for the day. You started to bat at the handle (now you can touch it) so I left you to play. From the bathroom I heard "If You're Happy and You Know It" start to play! I grinned but thought maybe you had just batted at it and got lucky until I heard the song play over and over. MOMMY IS SO PROUD!!

You're getting SO big and laughing and interacting more and more each day. I still get up during the night once in a while to check on you and watch you sleep but mostly I sleep when I can. So here I am, clapping MY hands cheering but my little (BIG) boy! Yea!


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