If You Can't Say Something Nice ...... Shhhh

The principal at our school always ends his morning announcements with the phrase, "and as always, if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all and keep all hands, feet and objects to yourself." I know, it's hard to believe I work with 8th graders, isn't it? There's usually something in there as well about, "Let's have a great day."

To be truthful, this is a concept many fail to grasp, even in adulthood. The sad part is, adulthood is probably the most important time of our lives in which we need to grasp this concept. Forget the part about being "grown-up." We need to realize how many little eyes are watching our actions and learning from everything we do and say. We need to be better at "playing nice" so we can teach our children this lesson. That's why sometimes we need to learn to keep our mouths shut, especially in marriage.

Case in point: Just this morning my husband was getting ready to leave for work and running behind. I was feeding the baby .... as usual... because that's all I seem to do. It was about 9 minutes before he needed to leave, with the boy in tow, and he was exasperated at all he still needed to do. Our conversation went like this.

(Husband): (Guteral growl) I need to get his outfit together, get his bottles ready, which still haven't been washed and then I get to play chemist!

(Let me make a side note here that, yes indeed, in our house, measuring out fluid ounces of breast milk into a bottle is considered chemistry. Please pray for our son as he is clearly at a disadvantage in his education when it comes to science ...... oh, and math. We just both suck at it. We might be calling Uncle Jack .... a lot. Anyway, continuing on ....)

(Husband): I need to get his outfit together, get his bottles ready, which still haven't been washed and then I get to play chemist! Then I can finally get around to thinking about me. (He still hadn't got his lunch together.)

(Me): And who were you thinking about this morning when you hit the snooze button twice?

Yes, I know. All two people that follow this blog are saying, "Really, Abby? You had to go there?" Okay, so obviously I've been suffering from a severe case of selfishness. It's hard not to when you've spent the last 4 1/2 months feeding your son in the middle of the night while you can hear the (sometimes) soft snoring of your husband in the next room. Sleep deprivation makes people crazy! (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.)

My point is, this was probably a time when I could have kept that slightly mean thought to myself. So, here is my public apology to my husband. I'm sorry I was a jerk. If Abby can't say something nice, next time, she'll keep it to herself.


  1. LOL You got more followers than me anyway :) Hope you guys are doing well and I love reading your blog-always makes me laugh! Your case seemed justified this morning :)


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