22 Life Lessons for 2022
They say life is the greatest teacher, so I'd thought I'd share some wisdom of my own. I could probably fill several books with everything I've learned the hard way but here are 22 life lessons for you to take into the new year: You can’t change others. Only God can do that. Sometimes our kids’ greatest accomplishments come when we let them out of OUR comfort zone. Silence is better than unnecessary drama. Progress is progress. It doesn’t matter how quickly it comes. Slow progress is better than no progress. The hardest part of a workout is showing up. You’ll always be the villain in somebody’s story. Just make sure to live your life in such a way that when they tell their story, no one will believe it. The only people that have a problem with you setting boundaries, are the people who took advantage of you not having any boundaries in the first place. Fitness starts in the gym (with exercise). Health starts in the kitchen. You can’t outrun your fork! Strive for progress,...